At St. Francis of Assisi, we recognise the benefits of an active lifestyle on health and learning and seek to ensure the provision of a wide range of opportunities for children to pursue sports.
Within the curriculum, we deliver at least one hour of quality P.E. at KS1 and two hours per week at KS2. To achieve this, we work with West Lancashire School Sports Partnership, who provide coaching for children from years two to six for one hour per week. Areas delivered include: invasion games, gymnastics, dance, athletics, net and ball games. Teachers deliver one weekly lesson that is complementary to these sessions.
Children in years five and six attend swimming lessons at Nye Bevan Baths for one hour per week on a termly basis.
Sporting activities offered as extra-curricular clubs include:
- Football
- Basketball
- Netball
- Dance
- Tennis
- Archery
- Table Tennis
- Curling
- Gymnastics
- Athletics
- Wake-up, Shake-up (Breakfast Club)
- Dodgeball (Breakfast Club)
​We take part in a range of inter-school competitions arranged by West Lancashire School Sports Partnership. Children also attend inclusion events and sessions for able, gifted and talented children.